Time Series Analysis 1 – Identifying Structure

In this article we tackle a generated set of progressively more complex time series datasets. From a random series to an ARIMA series with seasonality as well as a series with a structural change. For each of these time series we apply the traditional techniques used in time series analysis to ascertain the underlying structure. In a follow up article we will make the final step to use what we've learned to forecast into the future.

Naive Bayes

Let’s focus on this table. Subscript, , is used to represent the feature/dimension. Superscript, , is used to represent the observation (here the observation). First, we make some basic assertions about the data. Distributions Each has a Categorical distribution: (1) The following is equivalent: (2) , and is the probability…

Gambler’s Ruin

Suppose I start gambling with $13 and with the goal of walking away with double my money. If I have 55% probability of winning $1 and 45% probability of losing $1 at each gamble, what's the probability that I will lose all my money before I double it? This is the Gambler's Ruin problem.

This article has 4 sections:

  1. Introduction: Introduction to the gambler's ruin problem
  2. Theory: The solution to the Gambler's Ruin problem
  3. Methodology: How the simulation will be carried out
  4. Pseudocode: Summary of the Python Code