Hand Image Classification – Part 2 – Transfer Learning – Which Hand?

The journey we took from simple algorithms to more complex ones resulted in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with the ability to perfectly classify the images of the hands it had not seen yet. In this article we would like to build an algorithm to classify whether the hand in an image is a left or right hand. We can then re-use our well performing model in our new task. This is called Transfer Learning.

Gambler’s Ruin

Suppose I start gambling with $13 and with the goal of walking away with double my money. If I have 55% probability of winning $1 and 45% probability of losing $1 at each gamble, what's the probability that I will lose all my money before I double it? This is the Gambler's Ruin problem.

This article has 4 sections:

  1. Introduction: Introduction to the gambler's ruin problem
  2. Theory: The solution to the Gambler's Ruin problem
  3. Methodology: How the simulation will be carried out
  4. Pseudocode: Summary of the Python Code

Analysing online review data – Part 2

Previously, we developed a module to take care of getting the review data from Tripadvisor or Yelp in a DataFrame format. Now we want to do some analysis on this data. In this part of the series, we will do some topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and create…

Analysing online review data – Part 1

The House of Dionysus The House of Dionysus is a popular tourist destination in Paphos, Cyprus. It is interesting to get an idea of the general feelings of the visitors to this destination. It turns out that the popular review site Tripadvisor has plenty of reviews for this destination. Below,…